Thursday, September 2, 2021

Teenager's Clubfoot

 So, what do u expect from a clubfoot teenagers?

For some, there will be drama..some don't..but for Dania..

1. Her left foot (normal) is still 1.5 size larger than the right one. Last year we bought 2 pair of school shoes with different sizes for her. We need to replacement her prep shoes as well before the school starts.

2. Yes her right calf is still thinner than normal. I always remind her to watch her weight as her right calf may not able to carry heavy body.

3. She had episodes of 'sakit kaki' when she was busy with her school activities. Oh ya, for your info, Dania is currently at one of the boarding school in Cyberjaya. Her dorm for this year is located at the upper floor. During this pandemic, we are not allowed to help her to bring all of her luggage to the dorm. She need to settle by herself, probably her friends helped her.

4. Last year was disaster. She was in pain and I cant help her that much. According to Dr Amnuay, he didnt see any problem of her feet. She need to do a lot of stretching. Yes, we had conference meeting with Dr Amnuay in Bonda Pengetua's room.  I guess her dorsiflexion is stucked at 0.  Dania was permitted to do her feet xray as per instructed by Dr Amnuay. I bought her so many painless support item while waiting for her school to allow this xray appointment.

5. Obviously, she is lazy to do stretching at school. Currently she need to be reminded and warned at home . She knew the consequences of not getting the feet stretched but being teenagers, it will never interest her.

So, my advise to you, keep on doing the stretching as regular as you can. Ask them to climb up the stairs, do some stretching using heel and sole. Make it as a routine, make it as a habit. Good habit last longer.

till my next post..:)

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