This video is dedicated to all clubfoot parents for your motivational support and encouragement.
One request for this blog readers especially if you are one of clubfoot parents, IS NOT TO GIVE UP HOPE.
Don't be scared to ask your specialist (whoever it is).
Your right is to get the best & the right treatment for your child.
If you need to travel, or to spend some of your time, you are encouraged to do so by all means.
No, not necessarily you need to go to Bangkok as we did but make sure your specialist did the right thing.
Take this challenge as one of the greatest gift from our Creator, and with courage & prayers, He will assist us.
I'm here to listen & to share your guts & feelings.
I'm here to assist whatever I can.
But YOU need to decide your own journey.
YOU need to be strong and wise in deciding the best treatment for your child.
Believe me, One day when you look at your child, you'll be proud that you have assist her to be able to walk like any other children.
Remember - Clubfoot will change your life... as it changes mine..