Every single request to join FB Clubfoot Malaysia will be filtered.
Only those genuinely has clubfoot children (structural) will be approved.
You will be requested to give me your child's feet photo.
Why I need the photo?
Other than to ensure the feet MUST be structural clubfoot instead of positional.
Positional clubfoot is not a real clubfoot. Their heel is normal, it may need physio or maybe for severe cases, it may need 1x casting. This positional clubfoot is only the babies' habit curling their feet inward.
Tapi yg ramai request currently is the positional clubfoot.
Some show me bowleg and many share with me the suspected clubfoot which I can only see normal heel and sole. Have you ever google on clubfoot image at your browser? Ada compare tak?
If not yet, please do it now.
To become our FB Clubfoot Malaysia member, you are required to answer 2 questions
1. Andakah anak and disahkan oleh doktor mempunyai masalah clubfoot?
Jika benar, type yes.
Jika tidak, we will definitely decline first until it is confirmed. We received many request from preggie mommies. Bukan tak nak approve, relax2 dulu. Safely deliver, and get it confirm then you can request.
Sorry we can longer accept those who just want to join because they want to know more.
Earlier we have accepted few, end up these people are actually try to intrude and posted unrelated topic other than Clubfoot.
2. Adakah and mencari kumpulan sokongan bagi permasalahan clubfoot?
Jika benar, we will approved.
Jika tidak, why are you requesting ?
Just to remind to all who is interested to request to become our member,
" Establised since 2009 with basic knowledge of Ponseti Method. We are growing as ONE group of Malaysian parents eith our clubfoot community together - coaching, sharing our best experience and knowledge which hopefully can be benefited to every single clubfoot family in Malaysia.
Many Malaysian clubfoot families has benefited from this group and those tiny feet has successfully walk like any other normal kids....."
With this , as we are the strong supporter of Ponseti method, we will advised strictly based on what we have learnt from Ponseti.info/, from our physical doctors (of course the certified Ponseti doctor) and based on successful testimonials.
NO splints!
NO endless serial casting!
NO anti Ponseti!!
No hard selling on your pre-loved braces.
Only Mitchell braces with Ponseti bar and Dennis Brown Bar are allowed to be exchange or sell at this moment. Other than these two, which we do not have the head up from Iowa Ponseti International, we will not recommend.
Any posting NOT related to Ponseti WILL BE REMOVED and BLOCKED.
Next posting I will share on Iowa Brace which was developed by a team headed by Dr Marcuende.
Till next post...
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