Saturday, December 19, 2009
Finally i turned back to DB bar..
my budak bucuk is currently 21 months old and he just started to walk about 2 weeks ago. i just couldn't believe when he stand up and begin to walk. Frankly speaking, my baby now is still wearing FAB but we no longer use Dobbs bar. Instead, we use Dennis Brown bar like previous time.
The reason why we turn back to Dennis bar is simply because of the foot condition. Maybe I have to agree with Ina since I saw it myself. Dobbs bar can be very convenient for the parents where baby mostly not making over a fuss and can freely move their legs but later on we discovered that it cannot make the foot stands flat. Mungkin disebabkan bar position yg menyebabkan kaki berjengket which is soooo frustrating to us. I’m not really good at describing words but I’ll find some other time to upload pics.
So we turned back to DB bar and Adam looks pretty ok with it.. especially in the childcare. I must thank all the staffs at the childcare for able to adhere to the instruction to make him wear FAB at least few hours even though he’s quite against it especially during nap time.
I found it difficult to make him wear the FAB especially at home where he will always come to me and ask me to take it off and started to show tantrums whenever I refused. But thank God, he can wear the FAB during outing and only ask me to take it off when reach home. I must say that I am not really complying to make him wear FAB for most of the times but at least I still make him wear it everyday even for few hours only. scare of relapse? of course!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
So, sesiapa yang ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang keadaan clubfoot anak masing2 boleh emailkan soalan2 dan juga attachkan sekali gambar terkini dan juga keadaan kaki anak ketika lahir kepada Dr Amnuay di [ In english please].Kalau nak saya tolong translate pon boleh, email kat saya dulu di
Sedikit mengenai Dr Amnuay yang saya ambil dr website Bumrungrad Hospital.

Name: Dr. Amnuay Jirasirikul
Specialty: Orthopaedics (Bone) - Orthopaedic Surgery
Language: Spoken: English,Thai
Qualifications: Medical School: - M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 1978
Board Certifications: - Diploma of The Thai Board of Orthopaedic, 1984
Fellowships: - Pediatric Orthopaedics, 1996
Special Clinical Trainings: - Clubfoot (Ponseti Method), Pediatric Foot, Hips and Spine
Clinic Hours : Tuesday 0900-1500
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sapa dah baca artikel ni
KISAH gadis kaki terbalik di New York tahun lalu menarik perhatian masyarakat dunia. Sejak dilahirkan 15 tahun lalu, Jingle Luis, tidak pernah tahu bagaimana rasanya berjalan menggunakan tapak kaki tetapi gadis itu reda dengan keadaannya.
Dilahirkan di Filipina dengan bahagian kaki depan menghala ke belakang dan tapak kaki berada di atas, Jingle cuma menggunakan tongkat ketiak
untuk mengheret apa yang sepatutnya menjadi bahagian atas kakinya.
Namun, jika segala-galanya berjalan lancar, Jingle tidak perlu lagi berdepan dengan keadaan itu. Dia dan ibunya meninggalkan Filipina untuk mengunjungi sebuah hospital di New York bagi menjalani pembedahan dan rawatan susulan untuk membetulkan keadaan kakinya sehingga dia dapat berjalan seperti orang normal.
Kes Jingle nyata lebih teruk berbanding yang biasa dilihat oleh doktor di negara -negara maju.
"Bercakap secara jujur, dengan teknologi moden, ia tidak sampai ke tahap ini," kata Dr Terry Amaral, pakar bedah ortopedik pediatrik yang melakukan pembedahan itu di Hospital Kanak-Kanak di Pusat Perubatan Montefiore.
Keadaan kaki terbalik atau kaki bengkok (clubfoot) adalah bentuk kecacatan biasa, yang terjadi kira-kira satu dalam 1,000 kelahiran. Kanak-kanak biasanya dirawat ketika masih bayi dengan acuan dan alat sokongan dapat membetulkan kedudukan kaki.
Ia menjadi semakin sukar untuk dirawat jika tidak dibetulkan sejak awal. Amaral berkata, kes Jingle sukar dengan hakikat keadaannya dikaitkan dengan kerosakan pada tulang belakang. Petikan kisah ini sebahagian daripada pesakit yang terpaksa menerima keadaan dirinya yang cacat.
Pakar bedah ortopedik Pusat Perubatan Mahkota (MMC), Melaka, Dr. Thirukumaran Subramaniam memberitahu, kaki bengkok atau lebih dikenali sebagai clubfoot merupakan salah satu daripada kecacatan pada kaki yang kerap dialami oleh seseorang bayi sejak dilahirkan.
Sehingga kini punca sebenar masalah ini masih tidak diketahui.
Terdapat pelbagai teori dikaitkan berhubung punca masalah ini. Bagaimanapun, ibu-ibu yang mempunyai anak yang mengalami masalah ini tidak perlu bimbang kerana ia bukan berpunca daripada sebarang tindakan atau perlakuan mereka yang dilakukan semasa hamil.
Dr. Thirukumaran menjelaskan, semasa tempoh kehamilan otot-otot dan ligamen kaki tersebut gagal untuk berkembang seiring dengan pembentukan kaki tersebut.
Sehubungan itu, otot dan ligamen pada bahagian belakang kaki menjadi pendek. Keadaan ini menyebabkan kaki bengkok ke bawah dan terpusing ke dalam. Malah, keadaan ini juga menyebabkan tulang kaki berada dalam kedudukan yang tidak betul.
Sekiranya keadaan ini dibiarkan, lama-kelamaan bentuk tulang akan berubah.
Sekiranya kanak-kanak tersebut dibiarkan tanpa rawatan, kecacatan ini akan menjadi lebih teruk dan akan berkekalan.
Ini termasuklah kesukaran untuk berjalan dan memakai kasut.
Rawatan kaki bengkok ini bertujuan mendapat dan mengekalkan kaki yang hampir dengan kaki normal. Bagaimanapun, rawatan ini menggunakan pelbagai kaedah bergantung kepada keadaan kaki tersebut.
Namun, rawatan membetulkan masalah kaki bengkok ini haruslah dilakukan seawal mungkin.
Misalnya, pada peringkat awal rawatan kaki bayi tersebut akan diperbaiki secara berperingkat-peringkat dengan melonggarkan otot-otot dan ligamen yang ketat dengan menggunakan simen.
Simen yang dipasang pada kaki bayi terbabit akan ditukar dengan simen yang baru pada setiap minggu.
Penggunaan simen dalam tempoh permulaan ini bertujuan untuk meluruskan kaki yang bengkok berperingkat-peringkat.
Namun, sekiranya rawatan ini tidak begitu berkesan, doktor akan mengesyorkan untuk menjalankan pembedahan ke atas kanak-kanak terbabit.
Menurut Dr. Thirukumaran, pembedahan untuk penyusunan semula anggota kebiasaannya dibuat di pusat universiti dan jarang dilakukan di hospital swasta mahu pun kerajaan.
Pembedahan ini juga sangat mahal dan ramai pesakit yang tidak mampu membayar kos pembedahan.
"Namun, MMC menerima menerima pesakit sama ada tempatan atau luar negara. Ramai pesakit yang mendapat rawatan berasal dari Melaka," katanya.
Dr. Thirukumaran menjelaskan, asas kepada pembedahan ini ialah, apabila anda tidak boleh membaikinya, anggota anda akan disusun semula.
Tambah beliau, ada kes yang susah untuk dipulih dan pembedahan ini bukan satu alternatif yang baik.
Namun, pembedahan ini penting untuk mereka yang tempang, capik atau lumpuh sebelah kaki.
Dengan kemajuan teknologi dan sains, pesakit yang dibedah akan berasa lebih selesa dan dapat menempuh kehidupan yang normal. Justeru itu, ia membantu golongan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) daripada kecacatan khususnya yang melibatkan anggota badan seperti kaki.
Kecacatan kaki terbalik ini terdiri daripada beberapa situasi. Ada yang mengalami kecacatan sejak lahir. Terdapat juga kes kecacatan akibat kemalangan dan trauma yang perlukan pembedahan.
"Kira-kira 80 peratus keputusan kes terjadi kerana kemalangan dan sangat rendah kecacatan terjadi disebabkan kelahiran," ujar beliau.
Kos pembedahan bergantung kepada keadaan pesakit. Kebanyakan kes memerlukan perbelanjaan RM 15,000 hingga RM 200,000 dan setengah rawatan memerlukan 12 pembedahan. bagi setengah kes, ada juga pesakit yang perlu memakai kaki palsu selepas pembedahan.
Pembedahan bayi kaki bengkok
Pembedahan biasanya dilakukan semasa bayi berumur antara enam bulan hingga satu tahun. Ia bertujuan untuk memanjangkan otot-otot yang pendek serta memotong ligamen-ligamen yang ketat.
Sekiranya dengan rawatan simen otot kanak-kanak tersebut masih ketat, doktor akan menjalankan pembedahan memanjangkan otot-otot tumit.
Jika rawatan menunjukkan perubahan pada kaki, pesakit diberi splint plastik iaitu alat yang dapat mengekalkan posisi kaki dalam tempoh antara enam bulan hingga satu tahun.
Sekiranya dalam tempoh tersebut juga tidak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan, doktor akan melakukan pembedahan yang lebih besar.
Pembedahan ini biasanya dilakukan sekiranya kaki agak keras dan bengkok amat sukar diperbetulkan dengan simen.
Prognosis selepas pembedahan
Bayi atau kanak-kanak yang menjalani pembedahan membetulkan bentuk kaki mereka yang bengkok perlu mengikuti pemeriksaan dan rawatan susulan sehingga umur mereka mencecah tujuh tahun.
Rawatan susulan ini bertujuan untuk memastikan kaki kanak-kanak terbabit menjadi sehampir normal dan keadaan kaki yang bengkok tidak berulang.
Bagi kes-kes di mana hanya salah satu kaki sahaja yang bengkok, kebiasaannya kaki ini bersaiz agak kecil sedikit berbanding kaki yang sebelah (normal).
Namun, keadaan ini sedikit pun tidak akan menjejaskan aktiviti harian kanak- kanak terbabit. Malah, mereka boleh menjalani kehidupan seperti kanak-kanak normal lain.
Sekiranya kanak-kanak yang menghadapi masalah ini dibiarkan tanpa rawatan, tulang kanak-kanak tersebut akan bengkok. Kesannya, kanak-kanak tersebut akan berjalan di atas bahagian tepi kaki mereka.
Jika dibiarkan lama-kelamaan kulit bahagian tepi kaki mereka akan rosak. Pada masa yang sama mereka juga tidak dapat memakai kasut seperti individu lain.
Ibu bapa yang mendapati anak-anak mereka menghadapi masalah ini dinasihatkan supaya segera membawa anak-anak untuk mendapatkan rawatan doktor.
Ini kerana dengan rawatan awal dapat membantu anak terbabit memiliki dan menjalani kehidupan yang normal.
l Hasil satu kajian menganggarkan kanak-kanak yang menghadapi masalah ini dinisbahkan 1 dalam 1,000 orang atau 1:1,000.
l Clubfoot atau dalam bahasa Latinnya congenital talipes equinovarus ini berlaku sejak bayi masih berada dalam kandungan lagi di mana keadaan kaki kelihatan seolah-olah bengkok ke dalam.
Saya masih hairan masih ada lagik Doctor yang tidak mahu mengaku kewujudan Ponseti Method. Ye saya mmg tahu tidak semua masalah clubfoot boleh diselesaikan dgn cara Ponseti tapi dengan 98% success rate, bukan kah itu hampir kepada perfect score?
Fikir balik, memang takde siapa akan betulkan artikel ini kerana dikhuatiri kan menganggu professionalisme kawan sejawat. Saya tahu saya pon bukan dari kalangan medik atau kalangan cendiakawan tapi saya masih pandai google untuk mengambil tahu mengenai clubfoot ini. So tak payah lah nak keluar paper sampai bagi salah bagi maklumat.Sangat mengharukan lah doktor yang pandai2 nak cerita pasal clubfoot ni.
On the other note, saya kan menjalani rawatan radiosurgery untuk merawat sakit saya. Saya akan cuti sakit agak lama. Doakan kejayaan radiosurgery ini, sampai berjumpa lagi ye..
Semoga bertemu di tahun 2010..
HoneyD- sila lah tolong update blog ni masa ketiadaan saya..:)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Bantuan Diperlukan
Saya perlukan bantuan kepada sesapa yang ingin berkongsi pengalaman di sepanjang mendapatkan rawatan Ponseti di Malaysia. Blog ini adalah blog untuk kita berkongsi masalah, suka duka dan juga saling membantu memberi semangat untuk kawan-kawan yang senasib.
Sesiapa yang berminat, sila email kepada saya di secepat mungkin kerana saya perlu memberi laluan access kepada anda.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Update : Rizq dr Melaka


Monday, October 19, 2009
Thank You, Doctor, we will miss you..
Dr Ignacio Ponseti, pencipta Ponseti Method, kaedah revolusi merawat clubfoot tanpa pembedahan di kalangan bayi, hari ini meninggal dunia pada usia 95 tahun. Beliau telah merawat ribuan bayi dan kanak2 dengan kaedah Ponseti di Klinik Hospital Iowa University dan telah melatih ramai doktor untuk mengaplikasikan kaedah tersebut.
Semoga Tuhan mencucuri rahmat beliau.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Dr Ponseti dikhabarkan sakit kuat

Salam semua,
Mungkin anda tidak pernah kenal atau tidak pernah ada peluang untuk berkomunikasi dengan lelaki ini. Tetapi lelaki inilah mencipta kaedah ponseti yang digunakan untuk membaik kaki anak anda tanpa perlu pembedahan besar.
Lelaki inilah yang memujuk saya untuk tidak putus asa dan menyarankan saya berjumpa dengan Dr Amnuay di Bangkok untuk menerima rawatan. Kami sekeluarga amat berhutang budi pada beliau. Walau kami hanya berkomunikasi melalui email, kesan dan budinya sangat besar pada kami.
Dikhabarkan Dr Ponseti kini sedang sakit kuat dan terlantar di hospital Iowa, Amerika Syarikat. Moga beliau kembali sembuh atau sekiranya Allah ingin menjemputnye pulang, moga beliau dirahmati walaupon beliau bukan seagama dengan kita.
Kawan2, doakan lah kesejahteraan untuk kesihatan beliau...amin!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Eid Mubarak
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Perjalanan Clubfoot Dania
Selain daripada terjemahan bahasa inggeris ker bahasa melayu berkenaan dengan Kaedah Ponseti pada posting bertarikh 19hb March, saya menyimpan keinginan untuk menceritakan perjalanan saya sekeluarga untuk mengubati Clubfoot anak saya, Dania untuk dikongsi bersama dengan pembaca khusus dari Malaysia.
Untuk pengetahuan pembaca semua, saya anak kedua dari 5 adik beradik dan saya seorang yang 'vocal' (lantang bersuara), saya tidak malu bertanya sekiranya saya kurang pasti dan oleh kerana saya sudah 8 tahun kerja dengan syarikat Jepun, saya diasah untuk mencari 'root cause' atau punca sebenar secara bertubi2 bagi sesuatu masalah dan mesti di akhiri dengan penyelesaian atau jalan-jalan yang boleh menyelesaikan masalah berkenaan.
Saya berjaya melahirkan seorang anak perempuan pada 1hb April, 2009 setelah 4 tahun berkawin dan setelah 3 kali keguguran akibat masalah pintu rahim yang mudah terbuka pada trimester kedua. Seperti saya katakan tadi, saya tidak mengenal erti putus asa dan saya tidak takut untuk mencuba mengandung lagi.
Semasa Dania lahir, jururawat yang menyambut kelahiran anak saya, memberitahu yang kaki anak saya ada bengkok sedikit. Saya ada menanyakan kenapa tetapi jururawat berkenaan menyuruh saya bertanya sendiri kepada doctor. Saya juga sempat melihat kedua belah jari kaki anak saya hitam lebam, begitu juga jari2 tangan.Anak saya ditempatkan didalam NICU kerana pramatang 33 minggu dan juga saya adalah GBS-carrier.
Saya khabarkan kepada suami dan ibu tentang keadaan kaki anak saya. Maklumlah Dania dilahirkan di Hospital kerajaan, oleh itu keadaan di NICU tidak mesra penjaga membantutkan hasrat kami untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut. Kalau ada apa pon, jawapan diberikan acuh tak acuh sahaja. Kawan2 semua bertanya kenapa saya memilih untuk bersalin di hospital kerajaan sedangkann saya mampu bersalin di hospital swasta yang serba canggih. Jawapannye senang saje. Ibu saya adalah pekerja hospital tersebut dan saya adalah pesakit yang diawasi dengan sepenuhnya oleh Pakar Kanan Perbidanan yang terbaik di hospital berkenaan. Insya allah kalau ada rezeki, sekiranya saya megandung lagi, saya pasti akan memilih hospital swasta.
Pada hari kedua kelahiran Dania, kami dibawa ke Unit Carakerja yang kononnye boleh membantu memperbaiki kaki Dania. Kaki Dania dia urut, dan mungkin keadaan urat yang ketat, Dania menangis dengan sangat kuat. Inilah hasil lawatan kami ke Unit Carakerja.
Splint ini tidah dibenarkan dibuka walau pon hanya seketika. Tapi kami buka jugak splint tuh, tak nampak perubahan pon.
Kami tidak puas hati, dan kami mengambil keputusan pegi ker hospital swasta berdekatan untuk pendapat kedua. Doctor kenalan ibu mencadangkan agar kaki Dania disimen untuk hasil lebih baik. Beliau mengarahkan kami ke Unit Orthopedic di hospital kerajaan tersebut untuk mendapatkan rawatan.Sejak dari itu kaki Dania disimen yang dilakukan oleh pembantu hospital sahaja. Disini naluri ibu saya dicabar kerana Dania menangis dan melalak tanpa henti.
Setelah 2 bulan bersimen, masih tidak banyak berubahan. Kakak ipar saya mencadangkan kami ke HKL untuk rawatan selanjutnya dan kakak memberitahu ramai pesakit yang mempunyai masalah clubfoot mendapatkan rawatan di HKL. Kami pon memindahkan kes Dania ke HKL. Pada masa yang sama kami juga melayari internet untuk mencari jawapan.
Pada masa ini, saya sudah mengalami sakit kepala yang teramat sangat. Saya tidak berjaya menyusu badan anak saya lebih dari 3 bulan kerana saya perlu mengampil pil anti sakit untuk masalah sakit kepala.
Di HKL, pakar Orthopedic yang membuat simen/'casting'. Nampak perubahan sedikit tetapi masih belum meyakinkan lagik. Dania masih menangis, melalak. Airmata mmg nak gugur dah setiap kali Dania disimen.Dania dijadualkan menjalani satu pembedahan 'tenotomy' iaitu memotong tendon yang degil. Tidak ada satu doktor pon menerangkan kepada kami kenapa pembedahan ini perlu dilakukan, berapa lama, apa yang mereka akan buat, dan berapa lama tempoh penyembuhan.
Dania kes yang pertama dan pada pukul 1o pagi doctor membuat lawatan. Pakar Kanan yang hadir ada mengatakan yang sebenarnye kaki Dania belum sedia untuk pembedahan. Tapi mereka masih melakukannya. Saya simpan perasan marah sebab saya sakit kepala. Pakar tersebut ada mengatakan mereka akan bantu apa yang boleh untuk Dania. Kaki dania disimen selama 2 bulan. Pakar yang membuat pembedahan ini adalah lelaki. Kami ingat muka doktor ini sebab muka dia pucat semasa Dania datang untuk pemeriksaan susulan.
3 bulan kemudian, Dania di jadualkan untuk pembedahan kali ke-2. Oh ye kedua2 pembedahan ini dilakukan di dalam Bilik Pembedahan Paedetric. Pembedahan yang ke-2 mengambil masa yang agak lama dari pembedahan yang pertama. Kali ini saya diberitahu Pakar perempuan yang akan menjalankan pembedahan tersebut. Kami juga diberitahu bahawa Pakar yang membuat pembedahan pertama Dania tempoh hari sakit teruk. Kaki Dania disimen sehingga 2 bulan.
Hari Raya pertama Dania, kakinya bersimen. Tapi Dania masih kecil untuk memahami semua yang dialami olehnya. Saya masih lagi sakit kepala, berdenyut dan tapi saya masih gagah untuk pegi bekerja.
Suami saya ditugaskan berkerja di Canada pada Nov 2007 selama sebulan dan saya ditinggalkan sendirian bersama Dania. Walaupon kepala saya berdenyut dan sakit sangat teruk, saya berjaya memandu dari Subang Jaya ke HKL. Saya pernah pengsan dirumah ketika bersama Dania. Suami saya sempat menelefon ibu saya untuk datang menjenguk.
Kepulangan suami saya diraikan di Hotel Legends tetapi saya pengsan lagi ketika berada di hotel tersebut. Pakar di SJMC mengatakan jangkitan telinga semakin pulih dan Pakar disebuah hospital kerajaan menjadualkan saya membuat CT Brain scan setelah saya mengadu penglihatan kabur dan saya tidak boleh berjalan lurus. Pada masa ini Dania masih bersimen.
Nak lihat cara simen HKL?
Oleh kerana saya dianugerah oleh Allah swt dengan semangat yang kental, saya diberi peluang untuk hidup untuk kali kedua setelah selesai menjalani pembedahan 10 jam untuk membuang ketumbuhan di dalam otak (Brain tumor) pada 18 January 2008.
Saya dan ibu saya pergi ke Umrah pada April 2008, untuk sujud syukur atas Nikmat Allah berikan saya dan saya juga tidak putus2 doa untuk melihat kaki Dania sembuh seperti kanak2 biasa.
Doa saya dimakbulkan. Alhamdullilah. Setelah saya pulang, Saya sepatutnye membawa Daia ke HKL untuk pembedahan kali-3. Entah apa pulak yang hendak dibuat pakar2 ini. tetapi hati saya sangat berat dan saya menulis email kepada Dr Ponseti dan Dr Matthews Dobb utk mendapatkan pendapat mereka.
Dalam tempoh 24 jam, saya mendapat jawapan dr mereka dan mereka setuju dengan tindakan saya yang tidak membenarkan apa2 lagi pembedahan dilakukan kepada kaki Dania. Dr Ponseti juga mengkritik cara simen yang dilakukan oleh pakar HKL dan juga dia juga mengatakan kaki Dania belum pulih sepenuhnya walaupon setelah ada 2 pembedahan dilakukan.
Dr Ponseti mencadangkan kami ke Bangkok dengan segera untuk rawatan yang lebih bagus. Kami berangkat ke Bangkok setiap minggu bermula May 2008. Dengan sekali simen sahaja, perubahannye sungguh ketara. Kaki anak saya tidak jengket lagik. Ada pakar di HKL mengatakan kaki anak saya pendek sebelah dan kaki anak saya tidak boleh diperbaiki dengan hanya cara bersimen. isk isk isk. Nak lihat cara Dr Amnuay simen kaki Dania?
Dengan hanya 4 kali simen (dalam tempoh sebulan), anak saya sudahpun memakai kasut Ponseti (Mitchel braces) selama 4 bulan penuh. Pada bulan September 2008, Dania genap
1 tahun 5 bulan. Tiada tanda2 yang dia nak berjalan sendiri. Macam2 tawaran saya berikan kepada Dania termasuklah LCD 29" warna pink. Dr Amnuay menyarankan waktu pemakaian kasut Ponseti hanyalah pada waktu malam dan nap time.
Pada 14hb Februari 2009, pada usia Dania 22 bulan, kami suami isteri dikejutkan dengan satu kejutan yang sangat menggembirakan hati kami. Pada hari tersebut, Dania bangun dan terus berjalan tanpa henti. Sebagai meraikan kejayaan Dania, kami bawa Dania ke Tokyo Disneyland pada harijadinya yang ke-2.
Sebenarnye jauh lagi perjalanan kami ni. Tapi kami ingin berkongsikan pengalaman kami ini kepada ibubapa iaitu tiada mustahil dalam hidup ini. Cuma kita kene ikhtiar sikit ajek. Tabahkan hati kerana ini hanya ujian sikit dr yang Esa.
Kaki Dania perlu diawasi sehinggalah umurnya mencecah 4-5 tahun. Kalau umur saya panjang, insya allah saya akan bantu mana yang saya terdaya kepada ibubapa yang senasib dengan saya. Doakan lah saya yang masih bersusah payah melawan ketumbuhan otak yang khabarnya datang balik ni!..iskkk
Sekiranya ada pertanyaan, saya boleh dihubungi dengan email di
facebook Zarinawati dan juga Yahoo Mesengger.
Semoga hari-hari kita diberkati..insya allah..
Ini gambar kaki Dania yang mungkin sekarang kalau orang tengok, mereka tidak akan percaya Dania ketika dahulu mempunyai kaki clubfoot..:)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Worth Reading..:)
Hi everyone,
We just returned from Iowa for a second opinion for 17 mos old DS (BCF). Met with Dr. M and Maria, who felt like old friends because I've read so much about them!! The hospital is beautiful and the clinic is awesome. Iowa City is a very nice small city full of incredibly friendly people.
DS was treated here in Detroit by a Ponsetti approved doctor. Dr. M said he did a good job, and used our pictures of DS's serial castings to teach his "students of the day". The only difference in our doctor's treatment verses Dr. M's treatment is for DS's tightening heel cord. It's been getting stiffer since taking off the shoes during the day so he can walk. Our doctor was talking about doing another tenotomy. I pushed for PT, which helped. Dr. M said it's common for this to happen once the shoe time decreases. In fact, keeping the heel cord stretched is one of THE most important job of the shoes. He gave us the option of PT for 20 min/day for 3-4 months, then recheck, or recasting for 2 times. We chose the casts because DS doesn't like the PT, plus it's almost a sure fix. So I will return to Iowa in 10 days for a cast change. Then we can remove the 2nd casts at home.
As far as the DOBBS BAR - Dr. M didn't say anything bad about it, BUT he did say there are only 2 papers (studies) on it so far, and the first paper was done using a slightly different model than is sold now. The concern is that the mobility allowed with foot flexion and extension allows the heel cord too much movement and it seems to start tightening up. They have seen 6 cases of tight heel cords possibly form Dobbs bar use already. (We got ours after DS's problem was noticed, so I don't think his tightness is from the Dobbs bar). Dr. M didn't tell us not to use it, but did suggest that if we did continue to use it that we definately should do the heel cord stretches. If it starts to tighten up within 6 weeks time, then he would recommend going back to the Ponsetti bar.
We also talked about the ATTT. Dr. M there's a long time study now that shows that the surgery doesn't cause any later-in-life problems at all (no arthritis, etc.), so if DS does need it later, not to worry at all. (We repeatedly stated we were trying to avoid surgery at all costs). He did caution us not to let anyone do it before the age of 3, because one of the foot bones isn't fully calcified until then. Otherwise, it's not the end of the world or a failure and shouldn't cause us any sleepless nights.
While we were waiting for our casting, Maria went over all the details about coming back to Iowa next week. The Ronald McDonald House takes requests, using severity of illness as their criteria, so we may or may not get a room. They do work with the local hotels if they're full. I just saw the lobby and family room area when I went to get on the list, but the place is very comfortable and inviting. There is a free shuttle to/from the airport and the hospital. We stayed at the Heartland Inn, which is undeer $70/night with the hospital rate. Free breakfast, light supper snacks, and a shuttle to the hospital are included. It was also very nice, and most guests are there for hospital reasons.
Then the best part - I turned around and there was Dr. Ponsetti!! I teared up, and just really couldn't express my gratitude enough. My child and many others will live completely normal lives thanks to the dedication of him and his staff. How can words ever be enough?? He looked at DS's pictures, touched his feet, smiled and nodded. He still goes to clinic regularly to see "his kids" and watch them walk. He is very excited about the upcoming Ponsetti races, so if you're in Iowa for the conference definately participate. He should be at the finish line watching and smiling.
All in all, it was a very wonderful experience. Lessons learned:
*If you're unsure about your child's feet at all - GO if you can. You won't regret it.
*The businesses around the University cater to hospital patients and their families. You will be comfortable no matter where you stay.
*Everyone at the Ponsetti Clinic will do absolutely everything in their power to help you in any way they can.
*Consider doing the heel stretches once your shoe time decreases and your child starts walking. It won't hurt and may help.
*Use your bar and shoes 14 hours/night faithfully.
*The Ponsetti-recommened doctors are very well trained and skilled at the method.
*Meeting Dr. Ponsetti is a humbling and awesome experience.
I hope our experience helps and encourages some of you on your club-foot journey.
Many Belssings,
Blog Author Note :
We went to see Dr Amnuay in Bangkok on 11th Aug.Dr Amnuay said Dania's feet seems to be normal but he need to know in details. He sent us for X-Ray.After X-ray, it was found that Dania's heel cord is still tight and was not as good as what he expected to be.Dr Amnuay told us that, we need to change the way we strech her feet. We need to do it more frequently. He also said that perhaps Dania need another tenotomy. Tenotomy means her tendon will be cut again and she will be recast for another 3-4 weeks. However, he said it is the last things that he wants to do seems Dania can walk, can run and can squat like any other normal kids.
Still, he wants to see more improvement when he see us for another 6 months..
We need to work harder..I wont let Dania's tendon to be cut again...
I'll make sure this time, the heel cord will cooperate..insya allah!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I've to punish Dania whenever she is not cooperating with the brace protocol..hmm..Pity her but we're giving her our best, right?
Extracted from Ponseti International website..
Relapses are a common occurrence among children with clubfoot up to the age of six years. The following is the rate of relapse for discontinuing brace-wearing at the age designated: 1st year 90 percent, second year 70-80 percent, third year 30-40 percent, 4th year is 10-15 percent, subsequent years are about 6 percent. Bracing is an essential part of the treatment of clubfoot and prevents relapses very effectively. Severity of the deformity at birth is not a reliable indicator of the odds of relapse, therefore almost all clubfoot patients are held to the same bracing protocols in order to provide them with the best protection against regression.
Bracing protocol needs to be tailored to the individual child based on the age, the relapse rate associated with that age, and when the correction was finished. For example, bracing hours will be longer for a new born that was corrected in three weeks as opposed to an older child that is already walking when correction is achieved. Importantly, the underlying cause of clubfoot is a muscle developmental and growth problem, so it is very important that children who are using the brace maintain some degree of mobility.
The foot abduction brace is used only after the clubfoot has been completely corrected by manipulation, serial casting, and possibly a heel cord tenotomy. The foot abduction brace, which is the only successful method of preventing a relapse, when used consistently as described is effective in > 95% of the patients. Use of the brace will not cause developmental delays for the child.
A Foot Abduction Brace (also commonly mis-labeled a Denis Brown Bar or DBB) consists of an adjustable length aluminum bar with adjustable footplates onto which shoes attach. It is recommended that an adjustable bar is used in stead of a fixed length bar because the child will quickly outgrow the fixed length bar. The orientation of the footplates to the bar is set by the orthotist as recommended by your doctor. Typically, the shoes are set at 60-70 degrees of external rotation. The last cast applied by the doctor must also have been rotated to the 60-70 degrees of abduction (external rotation), otherwise the brace will be uncomfortable for the child. There should be a bend in the bar or the mounting of the footplates to obtain 10-15 degrees of dorsiflexion. The shoes are straight last, meaning there is no curvature, so they can go on either foot. If the bar does not have a quick-release mechanism, the shoes are oriented with the buckles on the inside, so that you do not have to turn the baby over to tighten the strap and laces. Importantly, the distance between the inside edges of the heels of the shoes is equivalent to the child’s shoulder width. This distance is the most comfortable for the child and prevents knee or hip problems. If you lay the brace on the floor with the shoes facing upward, the child’s shoulders should fit snugly in between the shoes. Children go through major growth spurts, so if your normally agreeable child is suddenly waking and fussing, it is appropriate to check the length of the brace to see if an adjustment needs to be made prior to their next follow up appointment with the doctor. The FAB holds the foot in the proper abduction (external rotation) and dorsiflexion (forefoot lifting up toward the calf) to keep the foot properly stretched.
Wearing Schedule:
Use the brace once the last set of casts is removed. DO NOT wait to get the brace after the cast is removed since there is a high chance of regression that can lead to discomfort and non-acceptance of the brace. If the brace is not ready, a holding cast should be applied to maintain final correction. It is also important not to end treatment early.
The following schedule is recommended:
a. For young babies with clubfeet corrected in the first few months of life:
i. 23 hours for three months.
ii. Then a gradual weaning schedule as follows: one month 20-22 hours, one month 18-20 hours, one month 16-18 hours and one month 14-16 hours. The time in the brace does not need to be consecutive, but try to have the bulk of the time while the child is sleeping nights and naps to encourage mobility during the waking hours. If your child attends a daycare, consider leaving the brace on in the morning and instructing the daycare as to what time each day that the brace should be removed, or if your daycare providers are confident and willing, instruct them how to remove and reapply the brace for nap times.
iii. As the child grows and is walking full time, maintain night-time wearing of the brace for 12-14 hours per day up to age 4-5 years.
b. If the final correction is achieved after 8-9 months of age and the child is ready for crawling or walking, it is important to allow some mobility to help in the development of the weak muscles.
i. Therefore, it is recommended to start initial bracing with 18-20 hours a day for 2 months, then go to 16 hours a day for 3-4 months, and then to the standard maintenance protocol of 12-14 hours to age 4-5 years.
c. Some children with clubfoot (about 2 or 3 percent) may also have loose joints.
i. In these cases, the abduction (external rotation) of 60 to 70 degrees may lead to flat foot, usually presenting when the patient starts walking at 10-16 months of age and after. These children should set the shoe to 30-40% abduction. Do not stop using the brace as there would be risk of relapse.
d. If the child has atypical/complex clubfoot.
i. After correction the shoe used for the affected foot should be set to 20-30 degrees. There should not be bending on the bar unless there is 10-15 degrees of dorsoflextion with the last cast. As the foot becomes more normal looking the abduction (extended rotation) of the shoe should be changed to 40-50 degrees.
e. For those children who are treated 2 and older at the time of correction please refer to Dr. Morcuende.
Details can be viewed at Ponseti Website. This website is most helpful. If you sceptical with your current doctor, pls feel free to refer to this website or email to Dr Morcuende.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
On Brace..


I will not turn back, so do you parents..We've been in this journey so far and I'm confident that we will be on the right track as long as we stick to Ponseti Protocol...It is so heart-sickening to watch your child in cast again, isn't it?
I still didn't get any reply from media for Ponseti method publicity..Hmm..Dr Amnuay is right, this clubfoot is just a small issue and will not be the highlight of the day..
But we need to do something to educate clubfoot's parents who needs our experience..any ideas?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Inspirational Story..
This is an emotional yet inspirational statement quoted from a parent who had a clubfoot child and the child recently graduated from FAB.
From Nicky Dugan..
I have been looking forward to writing this email for four years. Not to gloat, but to encourage all of you who might be in the earliest stages of treating clubfoot and let you know that, yes, some day this will all be over!
In 2005, I went to my 20-week ultrasound for my second child with that usual euphoria over being able to "meet" my kid. I left devastated by the news that he would have unilateral clubfoot. My uncle was born with clubfoot in World War II Germany and was treated like a pariah -- he subsequently became the village idiot. I feared the worst. I called my pediatrician on a Friday night and got no reassurances about a "normal" life - he said the treatment consisted of castings and likely surgery, with stiffness, scar tissue, and arthritis to follow. His foot would never really be normal. There were plenty of orthopedic surgeons around who could take care of all this. His only silver lining was, "in the grand scheme of deformities, it could be a lot worse."
Through my tears, I hit the Internet. And that's when I found this group. I remember reading about Martin Egbert, who made it his mission to ensure that the world knew surgery wasn't the only option for his son Joshua. I studied dozens of photos of feet and casts and bars. I read about pressure blisters and unqualified doctors whose worked needed correction. I wrote to Dr. Ponseti and asked, "Surely in this metropolitan city of San Francisco there is SOMEONE who practices your method?" No dice - we'd have to drive 45-minutes to Walnut Creek to see a Kaiser doctor outside our network. It all sounded so overwhelming. But I talked to Dr Colburn before Farley was born and he gave all those reassurances I'd been seeking... "Don't worry, just enjoy your baby, come see me when you're ready - doesn't have to be minutes after he's born. He will be fine. We will fix this. Don't worry."
I detached myself from this second pregnancy anyway - could I love a kid with a deformity the way I loved my first? But when Farley arrived, I loved and studied that sweet little crooked foot. So tiny. So unique. And then he proved to be my little trooper. On day five, off to Dr Colburn we drove. Farley fell asleep during his first casting. And his second... and third... And seven weeks later, nary a peep during his tenotomy. His foot came out beautiful, if just a little wrinkled at the ankle. But lo, when I saw those Ponseti-Mitchell shoes for the first time, I cried all over again. Four years of wearing these? You gotta be kidding me! They're torturous! Buckles and metal! How would he ever move around? How would he sleep? 23 hours a day in these things? Would he ever learn to walk?
And yet, here we are, four years later, having complied with wearing those shoes every single night and nap (except on that flight to Sydney last year - we had to draw the line!)... The pipe insulation to keep him from killing all of his and his crib. The banging and kicking as he swung that thing around. Trying to get those things into a sling and figuring out how to breastfeed. The drudgery of having to explain them to babysitters and care providers. All those strange looks at playgrounds and airport security. The hot sticky humid nights when you couldn't believe you were putting socks and shoes on your child. The comedy of seeing your kid's foot resting high in the air as he slept. The panicked moments of returning back to the house to fetch them before we drove off again to preschool. The hundreds of dollars not covered by insurance. The removal for third "Mama, I have to go potty" delay tactic of the evening. The triumph of being able to buckle those things in complete darkness. The loving care of the Mitchell family who provided us about five different pairs over the years -- the obvious commitment they have to this treatment. The PRIDE of knowing that all of this was an investment in a normal life.
And so this week, we got the brilliant news... Farley is officially 100% corrected! He has one helluva beautiful, gorgeous and normal foot. We can finally retire our trusty Ponseti-Mitchells and enjoy the unbelievable novelty of sleeping in bare feet! And I can assure you that Farley runs, walks, hops, jumps, rides his bike, keeps up with his big brother, and NEVER complains. Yeah, he's going to have a slightly smaller calf when he hits puberty. But other than that, no one will ever know a thing about these last four years or how this little super hero stuck it out without so much as any pushback.
We are full of gratitude -- to Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, John Mitchell, Dr. Michael Colburn, and ALL OF YOU for your wisdom, support, sharing, questions, answers, and reassurance. You go through so many stages on this list -- from clueless, anxious and full of questions to confident elder who has many answers and provides the comfort. Thank you, thank you.
The only lingering sadness I have is for the hundreds (thousands?) of children whose parents and doctors don't know about this miracle treatment. That the Ponseti method isn't de rigeur all over the world and that I still have to explain it to doctors. We will continue to give generously to the Ponseti International Association for the Advancement of Clubfoot Treatment in hopes that, some day, this nail will stop attracting the hammer of surgery. Keep doing what you do here -- it's the first place people discover when they get that diagnosis for their baby. Without you, this road would be dark, uncertain and very lonely.
And for all of you just starting the journey, take heart. You are doing the best thing possible for your child. You're not taking the easy way out. Swell with pride. Hug that kid. And know that it's all going to be ok. It's not really all that hard. "Don't worry."
I guess to be like Nicki, we need to keep doing on what we need to do.This clubfoot children need our attention spiritually.Good Luck to all of us!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Dr Ponseti

Monday, May 18, 2009
Resistance vs Responsibility
See, Mazila told me once, she had no choice but to stay with Dr Lyn Azura. She said if she got money, of course she will be flying to Bangkok like us. The good news is Dr Amnuay wants to sponsor their flight, accomodation & treatment. There are angels in Bangkok rather than here!
Dr Amnuay told me this clubfoot thingy is just a small issue in Thailand’s medical field.They have gone through a lot of resistance, challenges and egoism among the big doctors. At least they do have some physicians who cares about a child like Dania.
I think in Malaysia, this clubfoot is still considered as a small issue.
I remember a doctor told me via my personal blog that I should be thankful that my daughter do not have hole-in-heart problem. This is not about thankful or whatever you want to name it, this is about the credibility of a physician and their responsibility to their patient
>to cure their sickness,
>to ease their pain,
>to treat their illness with the CORRECT method without prejudice, without any modification, and without any delays.
Anyhow, in my personal opinion, whether you are rich or not, it is your responsibility to seek for the best treatment and work out all the possibilities to assist your child to get a better life.
The rest, is in God willing.
To Malaysian Orthopedics Association delegates who are going to Sutera Harbor this week, Selamat Bersidang.
Note : I can't wait to meet up my neurosurgeon coming July for annual MRI.Yippi yeahhh!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Surgery vs Non-surgical
This clubfoot patient went through casting from 3 days old to 11 months, 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.When she was 14 months she had the Achilles lengthen and bones moves around with the pin to hold everything together.Now she is 10 1/2 and she has a screw planted in her bone which stayed for a year. According to the parent their orthopedics had plan B where they plan take out some of the growth plate, to stop the growth.
Fuhhssss....,'screw' sounds scary to me...Why is this parents allow such painful treatment to his child? I think I know...When a nurse took off the operation's clips from my head a year ago, I was so scared and as expected, it was a painful experience to me. Then when Dania's early physicians plan to have 3rd surgery on her feet, I feel something is so wrong. Furthermore the physicians said they only can decide which part they want to cut on the day of operation itself. Scary eh?? They also are not sure what they wanted to do.
What if my neurosurgeon told me that he do not know which part to start to remove the tumor and he can only decide on the operation day itself? I think I'm going to faint again..
As one of my circle of clubfoot friend said which I most agreed is 'one of the greatest aspects of the Ponseti method is that it is gentle and not painful. '
Below photos are our experience from Ponseti method and the screw no pain,only 2 scar from previous modified Ponseti see the scar, double click at the most right photo..Btw, Dania clubfoot feet is at her right foot...:)
Note : Dania is 25 months old...still follow up at Bumrungrad Bangkok under supervision of Dr Amnuay Jirasirikul, the certified physician of Ponseti Method..
Friday, April 10, 2009
Dania & her dancing time at Tokyo Disneyland
She doesn't look like a clubfoot baby, don't u think so?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Jawapan yang akan membantu...
1. "Apakah jenis simen yang akan digunakan untuk membetulkan kaki anak saya?"
Panjang Simen adalah dari ibu jari sehingga ke lutut. Simen adalah dari bahan kapur dan bukan dari ‘fiberglass’ (selalunye utk digunakan untuk dewasa). Walau bagaimanapoun, kanak-kanak dewasa mungkin memerlukan simen kapur yang digunakan bersama ‘fiberglass’ untuk mengukuhkan lagi simen tersebut.
2. "Secara purata, berapa lama untuk membetulkan kaki tersebut dan berapa kali perlu kaki anak disemen?"
Sepatutnya, pembetulan kaki sepenuhnya mengambil masa dengan purata 5 - 7 kali simen, yang ditukar ganti setiap 5 - 7 hari. Tidak perlu disimen lebih dari 9 kali KECUALI kes rumit seperti ‘arthrogryposis’. Simen TIDAK PERLU ditanggalkan malam sebelum appointment. Sekiranya kaki ditinggalkan tidak bersimen untuk beberapa jam, sedikit atau semua usaha membetulkan kaki tersebut akan sia-sia.
3. "Adakah pembedahan masih diperlukan untuk membaiki masalah clubfoot?"
Sebanyak 80% kes diperlukan untuk memanjangkan tendon Achilles dengan prosedur yang dinamakan ‘tenotomy’. Ponseti Method menggunakan ‘percutaneous tenotomy’ yang bermaksud satu prosedur yang mengunakan jarum untuk membetulkan tisu-tisu berkaitan tanpa memerlukan pembedahan terbuka. Prosedur ini tidak memerlukan masa yang panjang (10-15 minit sahaja)dan hanya dilakukan di dalam pejabat/klinik dengan ‘local anesthesia’ (bius dis tempat tersebut sahaja). Jarum akan dimasukkan ke belakang tumit. Prosedur ini tidak memerlukan jahitan untuk menutup luka dan kesan luka hanya sekecil gigitan semut. Sekiranya doktor anda memilih untuk menggunakan ‘general anesthetic’ (bius satu badan), pastikan dia masih memilih menggunakan ‘percutaneous tenotomy’ dan bukan prosedure terbuka. Selepas prosedur ini, kaki akan disimen semula selama 3 minggu untuk menyembuhkan tendon. Tenotomy hanya akan dilakukan sekiranya semua aspek clubfoot telah diperbetulkan kerana setelah simen ini ditanggalkan, kaki clubfoot sepatutnya telah pulih sepenuhnya.
4. "Berapa peratus kah sesorang pesakit memerlukan pembedahan pembetulan atau pembedahan besar untuk membaiki kaki clubfoot?"
Sekiranya doktor anda mengunakan teknik Ponseti dengan betul, beliau perlu membuktikan yang beliau telah membetulkan kaki clubfoot dengan teknik yang betul sebanyak 90% atau lebih. Maknanya, doktor anda hanya perlukan cara simen yang betul dan percutaneous tenotomy sahaja. Anda pelu bertanya kepada doktor tesebut sejak bila dia mula praktis Ponseti Method ini secara eksklusif, berapa ramai psakit yang telah beliau bantu dan berapa banyak pesakit yang telah berjaya dibantu tanpa sebarang pembedahan. Doktor anda sepatut boleh berkongsi testimonial pesakit2 lain.
5. "Apakah jenis kasut yang akan digunakan setelah pembetulan telah dicapai?"
Apabila simen terakhir ditanggalkan, pesakit memerlukan pemakaian kasut sokongan. Standard protokol ialah pesakit diperlukan memakai kasut sokongan tersebut sepenuh hari selama 2-3 bulan (23 hours/day) dan waktu malam atau tido siang selama 16-18 jam/sejari dan seterusnya 10-12 jam/sehari sehingga umur pesakit mencapai 4-5 tahun. Tidak ada alatan lain atau AFO (ankle-foot orthotic) digunakan didalam Ponseti Method ini. Risiko untuk kes berulang adalah tinggi sehingga umur 4 hingga 5 tahun. Anda boleh bertanya kepada doktor anda peratusan kes berulang dan cara-cara untuk mengubati kes ulangan.
6. "Apakah rupa bentuk kaki pesakit semasa waktu pembetulan dan selepasnya?"
Perubahan kepada kaki clubfoot akan dilihat secara beransur dan dramatik. Sebelum simen terakhir, kaki akan diletakkan pada arah 70° (akan dilihat over corrected tetapi memang akan diperlakukan sebegitu). Arah 70° itu juga akan di letakkan semasa pesakit memakai kasut sokongan. Kurang dari 70° adalah tidak boleh diterma pakai. Ada kajian oleh Universiti Iowa bahawa risiko kes berulang adalah tinggi sekira kaki diletakkan pada kurang dari 70°. Tambahan pula sekiranya kes berulang, pendekatan untuk melakukan pembedahan adalah tinggi. Kaki clubfoot perlu dipulihkan sebelum memakai kasut sokongaan. Kasut sokongan perlu dipakai bersama palang (bar).
Satu lagi, sekiranya doktor anda mengaku yang dia pernah menjalani latihan di bawah kelolaan Dr Ponseti atau pernah ke Iowa University atau mengaku beliau yang mengamalkan Ponseti Method tidak bermakna dia pakar dalam teknik ini.Oleh itu, anda perlu mencari rujukan dari pakar lain.
>Terjemahan dari<
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Good Dr Matthew Dobbs

Markell vs Mitchells

Both FAB shoes are used to ensure the corrected feet stay corrected.
But what is the difference?
The Ponseti AFO Brace (also known as the Mitchell brace) made by MD Orthopaedics has been available since 2005. It's more expensive than the Markell FAB but is more comfortable and easier for the baby to adjust to. Dr Ponseti is involved in the design of the Ponseti AFO/ Mitchell brace and it is especially recommended for children with very small feet or complex clubfoot.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Finally..she can walk
I'm worried too and I've plan to bring Dania to physio theraphy..But she is now standing tall and walk officially on her 22 months 13 days..I will find a good video on her first walk..
So parents out there, dont worry, they will walk soon as they are ready..
cheers everyone!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Walking Question during Mitchel brace period
his Mitchell Brace 12 hrs at night. Sometimes he wakes up SCREAMING
and nothing eases him until I take the bar off (leaving the shoes on)
and then he goes right back to sleep. I have gone nights without
putting it on because he is so miserable. Doc said his feet look
great. Do you ever leave your child's bar off? JW if anyone else's
child is this way. I think maybe their legs fall asleep being in that
position for so long, mine would! I feel so bad for him as soon as I
put it on, it still breaks my heart. He can never get comfortable and
sleep in his favorite position without having trouble.
Shannon-I put James in his shoes at night
I usually put them on early while he is still in a good mood and then
I don't connect the bar until bedtime. Even so, he's still getting his
12 hours in. Remember, the bar is the key part to the whole thing.
It's what keeps the correct angle of abduction and dorsiflexion.
Without the bar it's just like wearing a stiff pair of shoes.
As for walking, James walked at 15 months, a little later than some of
his buddies but a little sooner than others. I don't think having
clubfeet hinders when they start walking.
Winter-I just went through this with my 19 month old son. He has been so
crabby lately and not sleeping well at all and unconsolable at times
during the night. First I thought it was because he was getting 2 new
teeth. Then I thought it was his tummy he has some GI issues and sees
a specialist. So I took him to the pediatrician to take a look at him
check his ears and rule that out. He was fine. That night I took a
look at his bar and noticed that it looked shorter for some reason.
Turns out the screws in the little back piece were loose and every
time he banged his feet around it was making the bar shorter. So I
adjusted it tightened the screws, well he slept through the night!!
He has been much happier. It is amazing what a difference it made.
My experience? Dania is a good girl so far..she never complaint and while tighting the shoes strap, I've explained to her why she need to wear the special shoes..She seems to understand..She can sleep comfortably with the shoes and sometimes she even wants to walk when the brace is still on...I'm so lucky right to have her?
So how is your children cope with the brace?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy New Year!!
Resolution - to give more and frequent info on clubfoot & Ponseti treatment for all Clubfoot parents particularly Malaysian.